Lazy Night Guest House 坐落於舊羅馬歷史中心, located at ancient Rome Historic Centre
交通四方八達, transportation easy accessible 由旅館步行十分鐘可到達火車總站和公巴總站, from GH walk 10 mins will arrive Termini and bus terminal, 鄰近有地鐵A線Manzoni站, B線Colosseo站.Nearby there's those subway stations. 從機場到旅館乘計程車約40分鐘, from the airport take taxi +/- 40 mins 乘地鐵可直達羅馬火車總站,
Take subway direct arrive to Roma Termini 或可乘搭往返機場公巴到火車總站, or take airport shuttle bus to Termini. 旅館地點安全, GH's location is safe 静中帶旺 quiet within the hustle e bustle 附近有中國餐廳, nearby there's Chinese restaurant 意大利餐廳, Italian restaurant 超市 supermarket 咖啡店, cafe 藥房 drug store 著名Fassi冰淇淋店等, ice cream store. 飲食, 購物都非常方便, eating out, shopping, all very convenient.
旅館全新裝修, GH fully renovated 高樓底,high ceiling 房間寬敞, room spacious 大窗戶,big window 光線充足, bright 清潔 clean 式調和諧 decor color harmonious 共有四個獨立房間, there are 4 individual rooms可供單人或雙人入住, for single or two people 每房間均設有私人浴室, each room has private bath room 冷暖空調, cold hot aircon 電視, TV 保險箱,safty box 和吹髮筒, hair dryer